tiramisu, cappuccino Italian coffee, coffee delivered to your doorstep, drink coffee like an Italian

Tiramisu means I love you in Italian

No! not really, tiramisu literally means pick me up!

The wonderful simplicity of coffee, cream, and chocolate make a heavenly sweet. All you need is a couple of bites. The Italian way of moderation (mini portions) allows for sweet indulgences like this.



Tiramisu Recipe:

250 g Savoiardi cookies (lady fingers)

500 g marscapone creamed cheese

1 cup Bailey's Irish Cream

4 egg yolks

80 g sugar

4 espresso cups of Italian coffee, cooled

Cacao powder for dusting

With an electric whisk, whip the egg yolks and the sugar in a bowl until the mixture turns a pale yellow and becomes light and fluffy. In a separate bowl whip up the marscapone for a couple minutes. Fold the egg and sugar mixture into the marscapone. In another bowl, mix the cooled coffee and the Bailey's. Set aside. Choose a nice 2-inch deep serving dish. This is where you will layer the cookies and the marscapone cream. Dip the Savoiardi cookies in the coffee and Baileys mixture and then place the first layer in the serving dish. Then add a layer of half of the marscapone cream. Add another layer of the dipped cookies. Layer the rest of the marscapone cream. Dust over with the cacao powder. Cover tightly with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours. Scoop into small serving bowls and dust over with more cacao powder.

italian coffee, tiramisu recipe, la moka, hh coffee

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