What is the best coffee?
- 1) Tanzania Peaberry Coffee
- 2) Hawaiian Kona Coffee
- 3) Nicaraguan Coffee
- 4) Sumatra Mandheling Coffee
- 5) Sulawesi Toraja Coffee
- 6) Mocha Java Coffee
- 7) Ethiopian Harrar Coffee
The answer to this question is so subjective as to make any list meaningless. The above list comes from a google search from 2021. Many of these coffees appear on many lists in various order. I like to use these lists as a starting point.
Coffee connoisseurs have lots of points of reference and spend time studying coffee. So we can look to them for guidance. But be wary. Do not make coffee a religion. There are no high priests who can tell you what you should like.
The best coffee is the one you love the best!
I have plenty of favorites based on my many experiences tasting and smelling and seeing coffee from around the world
- My best coffee experience was in Ethiopia.
- My favorite tasting coffee has been Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica.
- My favorite coffee habits come from the Italian way of life. I stop by my neighborhood coffee bar almost every morning for my espresso, a look at the newspaper and pleasant small talk with the elderly couple who own the bar.
I wish you a great coffee experience, keep tasting!